Touch n Go eWallet

18.1 What is Touch 'n Go eWallet?

The Touch ‘n Go (TNG) App is an electronic wallet (e-wallet) that holds electronic money (e-money). This service via mobile application is offered by TNG Digital Sdn. Bhd. (TNGD). Public Cab Sdn Bhd and EzCab Sdn Bhd has partnered with TNG to allow passengers to make payment with TNG eWallet.(Updated 24 August 2018)


18.2 Any Taxi Driver incentives?

Exclusive for PUBLIC CAB Taxi drivers only: From now until October 2018, for drivers who register as TNG Static QR Merchant, they are entitled to earn up to RM2.4K incentives when they guide Passengers to Download Reload TNG eWallet PIN and Pay voucher.

(Updated 24 August 2018)


18.3 I am a PUBLIC CAB Driver. How can I register?

You can choose either one of the following method:

      1. Submit to AGREE in the online Consent Form for PUBLIC CAB to register you as the eWallet Merchant here:
      2. Register at TNG temporary counter in PUBLIC CAB KL Office 1st floor

    (Updated 24 August 2018)

18.4 I am NOT a PUBLIC CAB driver. Can I register?

This offer is Exclusive for PUBLIC CAB Taxi drivers only for now. For EzCab Drivers, you may check on the EzDriver App news or email to for latest update related to eWallet payment options.

(Updated 24 August 2018)


18.5 What the taxi driver get if register with Touch n Go eWallet?

  • Lanyard & QR x1
  • Soft Pin x200
  • Rear window sticker
  • Spare QR with casing
  • TNG Windscreen sticker (Updated 24 August 2018)


18.6 How can passenger pays for their ride with Touch n Go eWallet?

For EzCab App eHailing passenger (Driver scans Customer TNG eWallet App QR):

For Street Hailing passenger (Customer scans Driver TNG QR):

(Updated 24 August 2018)

How It Works?

The map shows you where there are incoming Booking request:

  1. Red = Very High
  2. Yellow = High
  3. Green = Medium
  4. No colour = Low

How to use?

  • Use map to identify closest ‘High Demand’ area to where you are & heads towards there.
  • Zoom in & out on the map to identify specific ‘High Demand’ areas. At maximum zoom, you will see a dot.