Friday, 24 Nov 2017

Driver’s ALIPAY

Learn how to use ALIPAY

Please select the topic below

Accepting ALIPAY Order

Accepting ALIPAY Order

Step 1

a. Payment Option — indicates this passenger will pay with ALIPAY .

Double-click the Bid button () to bid for the order.

Step 2

 Once your passenger is in your vehicle, click “PICK UP” button.

Step 3

Upon successfully dropping off your passenger, click “DROP OFF” button to indicate the completion of this order.

Step 4

Enter the toll amount (if any).

Step 5

 Click “Proceed” button.

Step 6

Scan customer ALIPAY QR code to complete the payment.

How to scan ALIPAY QR code

How To Change Payment Option

Upon drop-off, if customer decided to pay with other payment option (i.e. cash or credit card) instead of ALIPAY, follow the steps below to change the payment method.

Step 1

Click the Payment Method.

Step 2

Select the payment method that customer prefers to use.
* Unless ALIPAY got problem, then only change the payment method to CASH.

Step 3

And click "Proceed".

NOTE: You may collect cash directly from customer only when they agree to change the payment method to CASH.

How To Check History

Step 1

Click on the order you wish to check.
* How to show 'History' page: learn more at here.

Step 2

Your order detail will show out as above.

a. Payment option that customer use.
b. Total amount of your credit balance.

NOTE: You may choose to request Cash Out or Top-up Credit of the amount from your EzWallet. See more details at: Driver’s EzWallet User Guide.

Terms & Conditions

The Passenger may choose to pay with either by cash or ALIPAY. In the ride that Passenger choose to pay by ALIPAY, all payments due to you including tips (if any) and it will be channeled to you in agreed quantum. EzCab Sdn. Bhd. (company no. 197870-T) reserve the rights to suspend any transaction that may be illegal act, involves any criminal activity, fraud risks, deceptive or any in breach of the Terms and Conditions between EzCab and passenger may results in termination. In such scenario, you may not hold EzCab Sdn. Bhd. (company no. 197870-T) for any withhold payment, suspension or cancellation of, any payment to you. You agree that you will cooperate in any required investigation to assist EzCab in any internal investigations in place. EzCab Sdn. Bhd. (company no. 197870-T) reserve the final and conclusive decisions made in any matter.