AR & Rating function

You will have up to 15 seconds to accept a job assigned to you.

Accepting a job will increase your Acceptance Rating (AR). Network conditions, phone memory and processor speed may cause the job to be shown for less than 15 seconds. Your Acceptance and Cancellation Rating count in the incentive may not be reflected immediately due to network delay. You may check your trip count again at the end of the day.



6.1. Driver accepted the job then can contact passenger, passenger can't wait (cancelled by passenger) AR drop, Why ? (Updated 18 July 2018)

Won’t drop, please report to call centre and we will check it.
Driver need to prepare :

  1. Car Plate No.
  2. Order ID.

6.2. Why receive job more than distance 6km but still blue screen?

Because the driver is the nearest driver to the pickup point. (Updated 11 July 2018)

6.3. System address and Driver apps address different, why?

Please report to call centre, we will investigate.

Driver need to prepare :

  1. Car Plate No.
  2. Order ID.
  3. Screen shot.

6.4. Driver History missing, how?

Please report to call centre, we will investigate.

Driver need to prepare :

  1. Car Plate No.
  2. Screen shot.

6.5. Driver AR no increase after pickup passenger?

Please report to call centre, we will investigate.

  1. Car Plate No.
  2. Order ID.

6.6. Driver phone hang, how?

Kindly restart EzDriver apps. (Updated 18 July 2018)

6.7. Apps shows pick up but the full address not complete, how?

Advice the driver to call and ask passenger where is their location (Updated 18 July 2018)

6.8. Blue screen order too far, Driver cancelled. But the job come in again for more than 3 times after cancel, how?

He need to accept the order and call passenger see whether passenger want to wait for him or not. (Updated 18 July 2018)

6.9. Why Seremban address sometimes more than 10km?

Our system is always matching the nearest driver to passenger. While, you might be the nearest driver at that moment. (Updated 20 July 2018)

6.10. Customer cancel order but why Driver credit deducted?

Please provide the following information below and email to

  • Order ID
  • Order Date (Updated 18 July 2018)

6.11. Driver on heat maps around active area, still no job come in, How ?

Heat Maps status determine is based on number of online user, it's only for your reference purpose. We distribute fairly the job to the nearest driver.

For details about heat map can view at EzCab website
Eng : (Updated 18 July 2018)
Bm : (Updated 18 July 2018)

6.12. Why no job?
(Updated 20 July 2018)
All the jobs are distribute fairly to the nearest Driver-Partner. You may use this Heat Map guideline move to high demand area and hunt for more job.
Details :

How It Works?

The map shows you where there are incoming Booking request:

  1. Red = Very High
  2. Yellow = High
  3. Green = Medium
  4. No colour = Low

How to use?

  • Use map to identify closest ‘High Demand’ area to where you are & heads towards there.
  • Zoom in & out on the map to identify specific ‘High Demand’ areas. At maximum zoom, you will see a dot.